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Call for applications: Committee 2022-2024

28 April 2022 Network
Viewed 140 times

The Committee


10 to 20 members, elected for a 2 years renewable mandate. They are volunteers.


Officially elects the Board members among its members.

You can't be a Committee member if you are not a lifelong member (graduate and subscribing member) of the association and in full possession of your civic and civil rights.

Its role

  • approves strategic guidelines of the Association
  • approves the provisional annual budget proposed by the Board.
  • consulted in important decision-making concerning the Association and systematically for important financial commitment

Its members

  • promote the association, the network and its services

  • attend quaterly meetings and big events

  • take part in the organisation of Clubs, Ambassadors and / or project groups

Election process:

  • 28 April - 28 May 2022: candidates must be declared by e-mail
  • 30 May - 13 June 2022: lifelong members will vote online to elect Committee members among candidates
  • 28 June 2022: Committee members and Board members will be introduced to our community, during our AGM, organised both in Paris and online.

Deadline to apply: 28th May 2022

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