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[Interview with] Solenne Brouard

17 October 2024 Portrait
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Meeting with Hassan Triqui, co-founder and CEO of Secure-IC and President of the Rennes School of Business Foundation: entrepreneurship, innovation and people at the heart of his success story. 

Hassan Triqui, an EMBA graduate from the Rennes School of Business, is the perfect embodiment of the combination of engineering, business acumen and a passion for people. As co-founder and CEO of Secure-IC, a Rennes-based company that now operates internationally and specialises in cybersecurity for embedded systems and connected objects, Hassan has never lost sight of the importance of people to the success of his projects. "It's not just young people who are looking for meaning these days. It's also important for me and many others of my generation.' It is this desire to take concrete action on behalf of young people, especially those in the Rennes region, that has led him to accept the role of president of the Rennes School of Business Foundation.


A Career driven by passion for people and entrepreneurship?

When asked to sum up his career, Hassan bursts out laughing: "I've never been bored" ! A graduate in electronic engineering from INSA Rennes, he started out in research and development before realising that his real passion lay elsewhere: 'I was more fascinated by people than by technology'. He then moved into project management, marketing and sales, seeking to complement his technical background with managerial skills. 'I was one of the pioneers of the first Executive MBA class, and that changed everything for me. It taught me to see the business world in a different way, to understand the strategic issues and, above all, to grasp the importance of the relationships between people that are at the heart of every project.' A decisive turning point in his career.

After graduating, his career took on an international dimension. "I literally took off," he recalls. He criss-crossed Asia and the United States on marketing and sales missions, an intense experience that he now tempers with a touch of self-mockery: 'I blew my carbon footprint! Back in Rennes, the idea of starting his own business, long dormant, came to life: 'I met some researchers from Telecom Paris and three months later Secure-IC was born.

Secure-IC: a global ambition in cybersecurity

Considered a pioneer in the field of cybersecurity for embedded systems and connected objects, Secure-IC leverages its expertise through more than 250 scientific publications, around 50 families of international patents and several editions of security standards. Headquartered in Cesson-Sévigné (France), the company is now present on four continents with offices in Paris, San Francisco, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai, Taiwan, Belgium and Morocco. It supports major international companies in their cybersecurity strategy, while cultivating a scientific influence through high-level conferences and collaborations.

"Our ambition is clear: to be the world leader in embedded cybersecurity. But for Hassan, it's not just about technology: 'Our success is based on a mix of scientific excellence and a customer-focused business approach".

Describing his role as CEO, Hassan sees it as a catalyst of energy. 'I'm there to create momentum. My obsession "is to move projects forward and never stagnate.' He sums up his role in a few words: build, attract the best talent and, above all, listen carefully to his customers."

Hassan is also convinced that a good leader must ensure the well-being of his or her employees: "Taking care of our talent is critical. If our teams enjoy what they do, they will perform better." He has refined this approach over the years and it is directly inspired by his EMBA experience, where he learned the importance of agility, initiative and benevolent leadership. 

The values that guide Hassan

Hassan puts forward four fundamental values that guide his daily actions:

  • Customer obsession: 'Customer focus is the key to everything'.
  • Agility: "I like things to move fast. I'm a facilitator, I rarely say no'.
  • Respect for people: 'Providing a stimulating and caring work environment helps bring out the best in everyone'.
  • Community: "You don't come out of the ground. It's important to embrace the territory in which we operate. That's why I'm committed to the Rennes School of Business and its foundation.

A strong link with the Rennes School of Business? 

The EMBA at the Rennes School of Business was a turning point for Hassan. "I'd been trained so much in the sciences that I'd forgotten what was essential: people. My training at Rennes School of Business taught me to see the business world in a different way, to understand the strategic issues and, above all, to take better account of the relationships between people".

As vice-president of French Tech Rennes - Saint-Malo, he sees the school as a key player in supporting local innovation: 'The marketing and business skills mastered by Rennes School of Business graduates are essential for supporting technological innovation. Encouraging teamwork, by mixing skills and sensibilities to "get the mayonnaise going', is essential for success."

The concept of "unframed thinking", which embodies the spirit of the school, particularly resonates with him: "It is through transgression that new models are invented'. Rennes School of Business encourages this mentality and this is its strength."


Chairman of the Fondation de Rennes School of Business: giving meaning to success and facilitating access to higher education 

In addition to running Secure-IC, Hassan Triqui also volunteers his time as president of the Rennes School of Business Foundation. It's a role he took on to give more meaning to his work: "It's not enough to be driven by growth. There always comes a time in life when it's important to give meaning to things. For me, that means encouraging people to live together and contributing to a more harmonious, more humane and fairer region." 

For Hassan, the priorities are clear: The Foundation's ambition is to support the School in three fundamental areas: young people, research and entrepreneurship. From our first discussions with the school's management and the Foundation, we agreed that our first actions should focus on young people, especially in the Rennes region, the historical home of the school. Thanks to the support of an entire ecosystem made up of the Foundation, the School, its alumni, sponsors and partners, our goal is to provide young people from all backgrounds with the means to achieve their ambitions, to facilitate their access to higher education, and to combat limiting beliefs and self-censorship as early as possible.

Numerous studies have shown that the best time to take action is in secondary school, or even primary school. One of the foundation's first initiatives is the 'Mélodie sur toile' programme, an immersive experience for CM1 and CM2 students that combines cinema and live music. The idea is to stimulate young people's imagination and open them up to new horizons," explains Hassan, who believes strongly in this project.

"My role will also be to set up a rotating system of governance, so that the Foundation can lay the foundations of a solid and lasting edifice."

Finally, Hassan appeals to the graduates of the Rennes School of Business: "We will organise events to discuss our actions. The important thing is to share this desire to make sense and help our region grow, in a fairer and more innovative way. All ideas and contributions are welcome."




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