Events calendar

Bordeaux Club - Afterwork "wine & tapas"
The Club Bordeaux invites you to a summer Afterwork on Tuesday July 4th in the heart of Bordeaux, at the "Central Hostel", a bar-restaurant on Place Saint Projet!
Last year's event was a great success, so we're back again... We'll be chatting over wine and tapas on the terrace!
- Date: Tuesday, July 4th, starting at 7:00 pm
- Place: New York New York, 2 Place Saint Projet 33000 Bordeaux
- Registration mandatory
- Alumni and student: 5€
- Alumni and outside contributor: 20€
- The participation fee includes 2 glasses of wine / pers and Gougère au fromage, Tartare de tomate, Houmous...
See all events
Tuesday 4 July 2023
- 22:00
(GMT +1)
New York New York
2 Pl. Saint-Projet
5 € Lifelong members & students
20 € Members & guests
Registration closed
New York New York
2 Pl. Saint-Projet33000 Bordeaux
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