Events calendar

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Discover your driving forces with the "SISEM" and give meaning to your career

This event will be organised in French, please switch to French version for further details.

The search for meaning in our work and the wish to find an activity closer to our deepest motivations are legitimate aspirations.

We invite you to discover them during a fun and participative workshop, led by Isabelle BUI (Alumni PGE Cohort 1)

Based on the observation that human beings naturally engage in experiences that stimulate them, the SISEM goes back to the sources of motivation to highlight that the pleasure of doing things is a determining component of the involvement process, independently of external factors, material rewards or signs of appreciation.

Based on the modelling of people who thrive in their activities, SISEM reveals 6 basic forms of pleasure that combine to trigger the desire to engage fully in an activity. This simple and practical model will allow you to identify what makes you tick so that you can give your best and find the job in which you can (finally) blossom!

Monday 13 February 2023
19:00 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 8th February
Rennes SB - Campus Paris
9 Rue d'Athènes
75009 PARIS
  • 50 € Lifelong member or student

  • 75 € Member

Registration closed
Isabelle BUI (PGE, 1993)

Rennes SB - Campus Paris

9 Rue d'Athènes
75009 PARIS

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Metro St Lazare

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Monday 13 February 2023
19:00 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 8th February
Rennes SB - Campus Paris
9 Rue d'Athènes
75009 PARIS
  • 50 € Lifelong member or student

  • 75 € Member

Registration closed
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