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Impostor syndrome and feeling of legitimacy : where do you stand?

" I'm not able to "

" I was lucky "

" I don't have all the skills to apply "

" Do you really think I can aim for this job? "

" I'll never make it ".


If you've ever felt this way or experienced similar situations, it's possible that you've experienced some aspects of impostor syndrome. This is hardly surprising, since according to a study in the Journal of Behavioral Science, 70% of people have experienced a sense of imposture at least once. It often appears in phases of transition, when starting a new job, getting a promotion, embarking on a new activity, and so on.


Perhaps it's already worthwhile to find out to what extent you're affected, and to understand the mechanisms at work. Better still, once we're clear on the causes, we can also look at ways to remedy the situation.


That's all we'll be looking at and discussing during this web conference, which will be led by an active teaching method.


In 75 minutes, you'll be able to:

  • Discover what imposter syndrome really is, a term theorized by 2 American psychologists in 1978.
  • Understand the causes and discover the different types
  • revisit the notion of legitimacy, and the different factors that support it
  • Understand the different ways of overcoming impostor syndrome
  • Talk to other people in small groups and ask our Coach your questions.
Tuesday 20 May 2025
19:00 - 20:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 20th March
Online event
  • 10 € Contributing alumni

  • 30 € Aluni non-contributing and external

Career & Management Coach
Invicem Management

Career & Management Coach, trainer and teacher in Career Development / Soft Skills and Management.

A graduate of a business school and an MBA in Canada, Cyril began his career in Consulting before 11 years in Investment Banking (BNP Paribas CIB, SGCIB). In 2012, he made a 180-degree turn to create his own training and coaching structure, Invicem Management. Cyril's mission continues to be to accompany people through change with pleasure and efficiency. Cyril is also a yoga teacher and expert on the meaning of work, and author of the book "Comment donner du sens à son job au quotidien", published in March 2021.

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Tuesday 20 May 2025
19:00 - 20:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 20th March
Online event
  • 10 € Contributing alumni

  • 30 € Aluni non-contributing and external

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