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Gamify to simplify

"La gamification, c'est trop compliqué non ?", "C'est pas un jeu qui va résoudre nos problèmes...", "Ca doit coûter une fortune!", "On a pas les compétences pour mettre ça en place" 😰


Vous vous reconnaissez dans l'une de ces phrases ? Alors cette soirée dédiée à la gamification est faite pour vous !

As part of France Design Week, Kirae (founded by Lisa Ferrer, EMBA 27 alumni) and Concept Image are offering 2 workshops to discover how to use gamification in business:

🎮 Workshop 1: How can I introduce gamification into my HR processes?

Join a team, play and learn how to transform your HR processes.

🎯Atelier2: Gamify to finally get your projects moving!

Immerse yourself in a scenario and discover how to move your projects forward using game mechanics.

Tuesday 17 September 2024
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
The Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine
3 Avenue Germaine Tillion

The Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine

3 Avenue Germaine Tillion

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Tuesday 17 September 2024
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
The Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine
3 Avenue Germaine Tillion
  • Free event. Online registration here.

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