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"L'Entreprise, une affaire de cœur" by Hubert Joly

Hubert Joly, ancien PDG de Best Buy et actuel professeur à la Harvard Business School, nous fera l'honneur de partager son expertise sur le leadership moderne et la réinvention du monde des affaires.

Based on his best-seller "L'Entreprise, une affaire de cœur", this webinar will explore :

- How to prioritize people and meaning in business
- Strategies for sustainable success in times of transformation
- The importance of empathy and authenticity in leadership

Hosted by Adilson Borges, PhD, HDR, Executive Director and Dean of Rennes SB, with the special participation of SégolèneDugué, Managing Director of Cohen Amir-Aslani and President of our Alumni Association.

The webinar will be conducted in French, with the option of automatic translation into English via AI.

Monday 23 September 2024
18:00 - 18:45 (GMT +2)
Online event

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Monday 23 September 2024
18:00 - 18:45 (GMT +2)
Online event
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