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Credit: Jean-François ROZE
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Take the lead in shaping your career and get a job in France

This webinar is designed to allow you to discover the fundamentals of your professional identity and to put all the chances on your side to know how to carry out your project. 

Florence Painchaud (P3) and Maya Grassi will help you, thanks to collective intelligence tools, to identify your talents and other drivers in order to reach your professional goal.


This workshop will interest you if you are : 

- Employed: I want to change/I'm out of breath, but I feel like I have a mountain to climb and/or I don't know where to start in my process. 

- Looking for a job: I am stuck in my search, I have little feedback on my actions and/or I don't know where to start and where to apply


This event will be conducted in English. The French version of this theme will be conducted at 7:00 PM .


Tuesday 8 November 2022
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
  • 5 € Lifelong member

  • 15 € Member

  • Free Student

Florence PAINCHAUD (PGE, 1995)

Graduate of Rennes School of Business and certified HEC coach, Florence began her career over 20 years ago in organisational consulting before joining a major Parisian recruitment and human resources firm.

As a true business partner, she assists her clients, SMEs, large companies and SSE players in their recruitment, coaching, mobility and career management issues. She is also the volunteer manager of RSB's career centre and regularly gives training sessions or lectures to students in her fields of expertise.

Maya GRASSI (PGE, 2011)

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Tuesday 8 November 2022
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
  • 5 € Lifelong member

  • 15 € Member

  • Free Student

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