A new project for your association ?

In 2020, at the instigation of the BDE Krak'Rennes, a partnership was signed between the students and the Alumni, in order to strengthen the links between these audiences. This is how the BDE Alumni Club was born.

Since 2022, the RSB Alumni departement proposes to finance associative projects which serves this objective.


To develop and maintain links between Rennes SB students and the RSB Alumni network, we support you in projects proposed and carried out by the School's student associations.

Rémi explains how to make your project a success in this video.

In order to develop and maintain links between Rennes SB students and the RSB Alumni network, the BDE Alumni Club supports projects proposed and executed by the School's student associations.

Each year, calls for projects are launched by the Alumni Club of the BDE to student associations, to collect proposals. The projects selected by the Alumni network benefit from specific funding as well as easy access to people who can assist them in their associative missions within the alumni network, in exchange for their creativity and investment. 

The project presented by the Student Association must contribute to one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Increase attendance at events:

    → More students of the School in Alumni events

    → More Alumni in Rennes SB Association events

  2. Propose new forms of events / practices / tools / pathways / celebration / challenges / (..) aimed at connecting alumni and students and making them share common moments and develop new sympathy for one another.
  3. Facilitate the networking of alumni and students within the framework of:

    → Search for internships, jobs, or in anticipation of the student's arrival in a company

    → Departures abroad (internships, breaks, expatriations ...)

  4. Increase the transmission of knowledge between these two populations, propose ways to learn from each other
  5. Promote the career path and professional feedback from alumni to students (portraits, content, interviews, podcasts, lives, conferences, exhibitions, sponsorships and sponsorships, collaborations, etc.)

  6. Celebrate together a one-off event (eg 30th anniversary of the School) 

These projects must respect the following constraints:

  • The application form must be completed online before 15th February 2024 (11.59pm)
  • They must imperatively be able to be carried out between March 2024 and October 2024
  • Their budget must not exceed a total amount of 500 euros (costs, consumables, service providers, etc.)
  • The team carrying out a project must have at least 2 participants
  • This project must be able to reach at least 50 people (students and alumni combined)
Any question?
My Alumni project